An interactive, fun, and tailor-made way to discover QLAP!
Let’s put together the workshop you need for your young people!

Boost Pro & Go!
On the road to your career plan!
- Get to know yourself better so you can act more effectively
- Identify your skills (knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills)
- Draw up your career plan, define the key stages and build a concrete short term action plan
- Work on your communication and public speaking skills so that you know how to sell yourself
- And have fun!
Between 4 and 8 participants – 3h00 workshop
Active listening / Interaction / Dynamics
Within your organisation

Tailored to your needs!
I offer dynamic, interactive and fun workshops tailored to the needs of the young people you welcome to your centre. The number of young people and the length of the workshop can be agreed together.
- The power of self-knowledge
- The fundamentals of public speaking
- The art of personal marketing
- Developing emotional intelligence
- Strengthening your self-confidence
- Identifying and managing stress
- Increasing motivation and combating procrastination
- Boosting your concentration
Contact me to discuss!

To run workshops on themes defined in advance with the partners, where active listening, interaction, dynamism and sharing of experiences are the order of the day. All in a safe and caring environment.
“During the workshop I learnt how to express myself better for interviews. Thanks to the activities on offer, I was able to keep my composure so that I wouldn’t be so stressed during orals.”
Emmy, 21 years old

““Thank you so much! Thank you for allowing me to do what I did at the oral and again today because it will help me in my future professional life.
I learned a lot from myself and I thank you for that!
“Marine, 21 years old

“It was a great workshop that allowed me to get to know myself better and the other students in my class.
This workshop was a plus in both my personal and professional life.”
Marion, 20 years old